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New Year’s Resolutions For Health

New Year’s Resolutions for Health

You may have made a list of New Year’s resolutions, but what about making one for your health? Every year provides the opportunity to start anew and show up better for yourself. This year, you can improve your health by being more active and changing some unhealthy habits. 

Here are four resolutions that will help you do just that.

1. Get Moving

One of the most important ways to improve your health is to be more active every day. This doesn’t mean you have to immediately start going to the gym, lifting heavy, or running 10 miles every day. Instead, start small. See how you can begin incorporating small movements into your daily life. Here are some ideas to get started:

– Take the stairs instead of the elevator

– Utilize that standing desk that your company bought for you

– Take a break every hour and walk around the office

2. Quit Smoking

We all know that smoking is a terrible habit that can lead to a myriad of diseases. It also comes with a slew of chemicals that are harmful not only to your body but also to the people around you. The benefits of quitting smoking are astounding. You’ll improve your quality of life immediately, increasing your chances for a longer lifespan.

3. Make Mindful Food Choices

Don’t tell yourself that your New Year’s resolution is to simply “lose weight” without having a plan of action. Instead, give yourself the tools that you need to make healthier choices and watch the excess weight fall off. Rather than looking at the big picture (weight loss), look at one component of that: food. Start making more mindful food choices by:

– Reading the nutrition label

– Writing down foods that make you feel bloated, sluggish or sick, and then STOP eating them

– Having more protein, fiber and healthy fats at every meal

– Cut down on sugar and processed foods

4. Get More Sleep

If you’re like most Americans, you’re not getting enough sleep, which is roughly 7 hours per night, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Getting enough sleep can improve your memory, cognitive function and mood. There are several ways you can make sure you’re getting the amount of sleep you need. Here are some tips:

– Go to bed at the same time every night

– Avoid technology at least one hour before bed

– Take time for YOU before going to sleep by reading, meditating or being alone

– Take up a gentle yoga class to relax your body and mind

New Year’s Resolutions for Medical Practices

Patients aren’t the only ones who can benefit from setting goals in the new year. If you’re a medical practice, you can make a New Year’s resolution to do better by your patients in 2022. How? By enhancing your care continuum with natural biologic products!

New Life Medical Services is a leading supplier and trusted partner of natural biologic products that can be used in conjunction with your treatments to help improve patient outcomes.

Whether you work in orthopedics, aesthetics or paraspinal, sign up for one of New Life Medical Services’ Natural Biologic Training Sessions today to get your practice ready for the new year.

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